Technology & Reliability
Technology & Reliability
Ozone occurs naturally in the atmosphere during lightning storms when high voltage discharges from the sky to the ground. The Singlet Pentarod™, Ecozone’s unique and patented core technology, succeeds in imitating this process, yielding high amounts of ozone from ambient air, even in humid or dusty conditions.
The technology is the result of ardent and continuous R&D efforts in double-Dielectric-barrier discharge technology, with the aim of creating the very best ambient air ozone machines in the world.
Our machines are super-efficient in ozone generation rate (g/h) per power consumption.
This is the result of low energy losses (eg. less than 5% is lost as heat).
Moreover, The Singlet Pentarod™ is specially tuned to electrons excitations of oxygen molecules, thus pure ozone is generated from ambient air without unwanted NOx by-products.
Ecozone Technologies’ ozone generators are built for use by professionals – they are robust and long-lasting. All enclosures are powder coated metals that ensure high resistivity at high
ozone concentrations and high humidity.
The Singlet Pentarod™ is sturdy as much as it is optimally designed for ozone output and energy efficiency. It is unique in its ability to retain the full capacity of ozone output in high humidity and dusty conditions.
Above all, Ecozone Technologies guarantees technical support and applicative advice
to all our customers all over the world.